
A journey with no destination

Contemporary Abstraction at Moberg Gallery


Contemporary Abstraction: Collaging Space and Color


This exhibit makes space for over twenty artists from around the world, who spend time creating abstractions of the things they see and feel and are. They bring experience to us in a heuristic form with their artworks, and they trust that the viewer will leave having picked up a few new things to think about.

Ruben Sanchez’s paintings “Momentum II” and “Momentum III” are deeply hued vanitas works, fuller than many of his older ones. Smaller in scale but offering multiple scenes, tableaus multiplied to make yet a larger tableau. The magenta, tangerine orange, turquois blue, and golden yellows create—combined with the vases and stems, cactus and guitar—a unique style that is warm and Almodovarian.

Ruben Sanchez